I started out my design journey as a cognitive science major at UC Berkeley, driven by my curiosity about human emotion and patterns of decision making.
Along the way, I discovered my passion for designing for adversity and uncertainty. I’m currently exploring design futures and experimenting with emerging technologies as a graduate student at Berkeley MDes. Topics I’ve come into contact with include critical design, the AI-UX intersection, new human-machine interfaces, and designing for mental health.
I have found so much joy in using my skills to strengthen and empower the creative load of the teams I am on and, most importantly, the lives of the individuals I design for. You can reach me at mayachen@berkeley.edu or on LinkedIn.
Most recently a UX Design intern @ Cisco Meraki.
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I use storytelling to heighten my design craft. I believe that emotionally-driven visual and written narratives are extremely powerful devices for communicating product ideas. On any given project, you can expect me to combine film, photography and writing with ethnographic research findings to capture the intangible.
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Terrascape, Dec 2021 - showing off our interactive dashboard prototype
Veiled Observers, Dec 2021 - an onlooker views our team’s exhibit theme
Soundscript, Oct 2021 - taking my sound capturing machine for a walk in the park
A triptych of photos from various projects.
Critical Making
Having grown up in multiple cities and with multiple cultures, I see myself as a global citizen. To me, making is an act that creates ripples across space and time; in light of uncertain (and un-preferred) futures rapidly emerging, I constantly ask myself: what is my responsibility as a designer in a world that’s on a tipping point?

I’ve used my creativity to bring people together during the pandemic, raise awareness of climate change, and make design more accessible. I look forward to continuing this practice in my graduate studies, where I’m working on projects in future-making.
Fluffy, white clouds against a serene blue sky.
Credit: Unsplash
Human Cognition
I leverage my background in Cognitive Science on my projects, wearing many hats throughout the design process (ethnographer and communicator besides designer). I love thinking through complex and novel problems that are unprecedented in the design space. These days, I’m particularly interested in the connection between design, cognition and computation: my recent projects involve natural language processing and computer vision.
Split image with stills from my Soundscript project on both sides.
Soundscript (2021)